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News and views on animal issues from Gretchen Kunz, professional animal communicator.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving for Pets

While your pets may be thankful for you, they may be confused by holiday happenings like visitors, travel, pet sitters and different foods. Remember, certain human foods, like onions and chocolate, can be toxic to your animal family. Cooked bones can be a choking hazard, too much sugar can be unhealthy, and being startled by exclamations over the football game or chased by the kids can send Fluffy running under the sofa or out the door.

If you're having guests over, make sure you set a safe space where your pet can go, and check to see what local veterinarians will be available in case of emergencies. It's also a good idea to set aside a small amount of the turkey or meat to give your dog or cat separately, or give them their own treat. Make sure they don't get into scraps you drop on the floor or into the garbage.