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News and views on animal issues from Gretchen Kunz, professional animal communicator.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Animal Communication Just Got A Little Cheaper!

Hi, Animal Lovers!

 I hope your spring -- or autumn, for those of you in the southern hemisphere -- is going well. I want you all to know that I am now available to conduct communications over Skype!  This means that you can call my Skype account from yours, and we can talk for free, which can save you some money on your telephone bill. This may be particularly helpful from those of you outside the United States.

 The other advantage of Skype is that I can record conversations as mp3s and provide them for you to download. I had stopped doing this, because I couldn't get the technology to work properly, but with updates in software, it's now possible to offer this service again.

My Skype name is gretchen.kunz.ac.  Please note: I do not have a direct telephone number to call on Skype at this time. If this service proves popular, I may subscribe to one, so let me know if you're interested.  Have any questions about how this works? Feel free to check out the Skype website. All the best to you and your animal friends!


lucy said...

Wow, thank you for providing a great review on skype and how skype had helped you on some aspect. I also believe on Skype Recorder is still the best at all.

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