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News and views on animal issues from Gretchen Kunz, professional animal communicator.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Focusing Your Intentions When Animal Communicating

People who are starting to learn animal communication sometimes ask me how they can be sure they are getting the right information.  Besides practicing and getting confirmation from an animal’s person on tangible questions and particular personality traits, I like to remind communication students to focus their intentions before communicating with animals.  It is something most professionals do regularly, and it is very important in order to keep up a high standard of both accuracy and ethical behavior.  Let me give some examples.

Sometimes life gets complicated.  Suppose you have a lot on your mind, or a particular situation with a particular animal has you confused or agitated.  Maybe you are worried about the animal you are trying to contact, or worried about people involved in the situation.  How can you be sure your own expectations, ego or desires won’t get in the way of getting the animal’s true intended meaning?

In times like these, it is especially important to clear yourself and focus your intention.  I make a habit of doing this before every communication session I do by clearing myself with Reiki (although just meditating on letting go and being mindful will do when the need is immediate) and at least a general request to the universe/energy to help me focus.  Having a request that you make a habit of using makes it easier to calm your nerves and get in the right frame of mind. When used as a guideline and sent into the universe, it can help you get more objective, confirmable information.  If you are new to intuitive work or want to change your method, it can also be very helpful to write out a more specific request that you can use to aid you when focusing. 

One good resource can be reviewing the Code of Ethics for Interspecies Communicators as written by Penelope Smith.  Many communicators over the years have sworn to this oath and find it an excellent guideline.  Of course, most animal communicators adapt shorter, more specific language or visualizations to use before communicating, take from other traditions or invent their own techniques.  The important part is to remember to put aside your ego and your need to get specific results and let the information come to you.  Some of it may seem nonsensical, and the animal’s person may not even understand it at first, but over time you will see your accuracy grow and your need to “push” for answers, which can actually block you from receiving them, lessen.

Here is a sample focusing request I have written.  I more often use a request like this when preparing for a difficult communication, but it can be helpful in all cases, including different communication approaches such as shamanic journeying.  Feel free to use it, change it how you see fit, or send me your thoughts or experiences.

I welcome my spirit guides
my family, my friends, my teachers of all species and times
my higher self
and the higher self of the universe

Please help me to conduct this communication
to the best of my ability

Please help me to not be clouded by ego,
desire to help, be right or to please
but to let me act as a vessel for accurate translation
without undue influence or judgment

Please help me to access the animals’
feelings, body and sensations
without taking on their thoughts and symptoms as my own
Let me acknowledge them, then let them pass through

Most of all, please help this communication to act
in the service of the highest good for all
whether I or the other participants
realize it at the time
and help me act with love

Thank you


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