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News and views on animal issues from Gretchen Kunz, professional animal communicator.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

What to do with your leftover pumpkins

After Halloween, Big Cat Rescue, a non profit educational sanctuary in Tampa, FL, gets pumpkins from local businesses and gives them to the sanctuary cats to play with. It's wonderful to see these majestic creatures, some of whom have been been abused, abandoned, bred to be pets, retired from performing acts, or saved from being slaughtered for fur coats, having a wonderful time exercising with and eating their pumpkins. You can see what great health and spirits the staff at BCR keeps the cats in, and you get a chance to see that the same play stalking behaviour your house cat engages in is alive and well in even the largest felines. Meanwhile, BCR attract a human audience they can educate about these animals and the issues facing them in captivity and in the wild.

To find out more BCR, check out their website or Facebook page


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