Hello, animal lovers. I hope you are having a most excellent almost-summer. So, far my communications requesting mosquitos to stop biting me have had no effect, but since that's pretty much what they do to survive, I didn't expect results. I guess one price to pay for getting on well with animals is that sometimes the ones that bite are especially attracted to you!
Back on topic, I wanted to let you to know that I have been featured in an article in The Huffington Post called
Separation Anxiety in Dogs: Can You Teach an Old Dog New Tricks? I enjoyed talking with the author and her anxious dog, Rapunzel, and giving them some tips to help with the anxious barking and urination. In my experience with anxious animals, it often takes not just communication, but consistency and practice with new training methods and supplements to encourage relaxation and openness. I'm sending Reiki and best wishes to Rapunzel and her human "mom" for continued improvement.
I hope you enjoy the article, and feel free to comment, share it, or ask me questions about the topic.